My Ambitions

Ambition and goals is something that everyone have. It doesnt matter if your rich or poor, everybody certainly have a dream. We think about our dream everyday and hope that we will achieve it someday. We strive and work hard to achieve our dream. 

For me personally i have a dream, but before i tell you my dreams, let me introduce myself. 

Hi, my name is Maximilian Sulistiyo. I was born in bandung on the 1st of february 2004. I am the youngest of two brothers.

Ever since i was little, i love airplanes. I think they are marvelous enggineering that allows human to fly. My parents said that every sunday we went to the airport just to see planes take off and land. So naturally i wanted to be a Pilot. But then i realized that being a pilot is a dangerous job, you can die if you make mistakes while flying. Because of that i never wanted to be a pilot. 

As i grew up, i grew quite fond of science, particulary physics. I loved physics because it explains the world around us. I wanted to be the next great scientist. Then i realized that pure physics is not appreciated in Indonesia and i rather be an engineer. 

In middle school i saw Elon Musk change the space industry. By being the first private space company in the world. Then i watched elon musk create a fully reusable rockets. By then i was set on my dreams. I want to be an engineer and build rockets. I want indonesia to be a space bearing country. 

Now that i know what my dreams are, i need to work hard to get to it. I have to use my strength and fix my weaknesses 

As for my strength, i think i am a hard worker. I will work hard to achieve something. Whether its mission on games or getting a high grade, i will always work hard to get it

As for my weakness, i always procrastinate on my task. I always wait for the last possible second to do my task. I'm ashamed of it but its a thing i need to fix
